INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ====================== The gLAB software package can be downloaded from the following URL: In that web page it is possible to download the last version of gLAB both for Windows and Linux. WINDOWS XP AND VISTA -------------------- The installation of the Windows version is initiated by executing the installation program. During the installation process you have several configurable options, such as the installation directory (by default, C:\gLAB), and the possibility to create shortcuts. The installation will create a gLAB group at the start menu with the following elements: * gLAB_GUI, the Graphic User Interface of gLAB. * gLAB on the Web, will forward to the web page of gLAB. * Uninstall gLAB, to completely remove gLAB from the computer. * Command line in directory, which will open a new command line window in the directory where gLAB was installed. Executing the gLAB_GUI option will run the GUI program. MANUAL BINARY GENERATION ------------------------ All the binaries for the Windows XP version of gLAB have been pre-compiled, so no additional compilation is required. In case you modify the source code, or if some of the binaries are not properly working, a manual binary generation could be necessary. Windows Vista has some problems with the pre-compiled version of XP, so this procedure should also apply to Windows Vista users. For the manual binary generation the following programs need to be installed (other versions may also work): * MinGW v5.1.4 ( * Python(x,y) v2.1.14 ( During its installation please select as 'type of install': Full. Once these programs have been installed, the script 'createEXE.bat' must be executed. This script can be found in the installation directory of gLAB, and will compile everything and create the proper binaries. LINUX ----- PREVIOUS: The following packages are required: Python, gawk, gcc, fort77. These packages can be installed in UBUNTU as follows: - Installing Python (this is necessary for gLAB GUI and for sudo apt-get install python python-wxtools python-matplotlib python-tk python-wxgtk2.8 - Installing gawk: sudo apt-get install gawk - Installing C compiler (gcc) sudo apt-get install gcc - Installing FORTRAN compiler (f77) sudo apt-get install fort77 gLAB: gLAB has been successfully tested under Ubuntu, but should work in other Linux distributions. The Linux tar.gz package of gLAB has to be decompressed in a directory, using the following command: $ tar -xvzf glab_vx.x.tgz This will create a directory called 'gLAB' with all the program structure. Next, it is necessary to compile the DPC: $ cd gLAB $ make -f makefile_linux This will create the binary for the Data Processing Core (DPC) of gLAB, called "gLAB_linux". EXECUTING THE PROGRAM ===================== WINDOWS ------- After the installation, the executable can be found at: Start->All programs->gLAB->gLAB_GUI For command-line execution, the link Start->All programs->gLAB->Command line in directory will open a command window. The Data Processing Core can be executed as: $ gLAB.exe LINUX ----- After decompressing and compiling the source files, the different modules can be executed as: $ ./ [Execute Graphic User Interface] $ ./ [Execute Plotting Analysis Tool] $ ./gLAB_linux [Execute Data Processing Core]