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Products list and Formats

Module File Description File Column descriptor
Measurement model aatr_idx.YY.DOY AATR values for a set
of receivers with a
cadence of 5 minutes.
1- Year
2- Day of Year (DoY)
3- Seconds of day (SoD)
4- AATR value, in L1-L2 cm/s
mstid_idx.YY.DOY MSTID values for a
set of receivers with
a cadence of 5 minutes.
1- Seconds of the day (SoD)
2- Receiver name
3- Satellite ID
4- Arcs
5- MSTID amplitud (LI m)
6- IPP long (degress)
7- IPP lat (degrees)
8- LoS X
9- Los Y
10- LoS Z
11- Mapping function.
12- Flag health.
Geodetic FIlter clocks_30s.dat High rate clock estimation
for satellites and stations.
For satellite data:
1- SAT label
2- Day of Year
3- Seconds of Day
4- SAT id (GPS 1-32, GAL 40-80)
5- Clock value (m)
6- Sigma (m)
7- RMS
8- Number of Stations in the computation
9- t-30 value
10- Sigma (t-30)
11- t-60 value
12- Sigma (t-60)
13- Epoch (t-60)
For station data:
1- STA label
2- Day of Year
3- Seconds of Day
4- Station name
5- Value (m)
6- Sigma
7- RMS
8- Sigma
9- Sigma10-
raw.clk 5-minutes rate clock
estimation for satellites
and stations.
For satellite data:
1- X_SAT label
2- Seconds of Day
3- SAT Id. (GPS 1-32, GAL 40-80)
4- Clock estimate ()
5- Sigma
6- Epoch (same as in 2-)
For station data:
1- X_STA
2- Seconds of Day
3- STA name
4- Clock estimate
5- Sigma
28- Signal/Attribute 129- Signal/Attribute 2
Ionospheric Filter gageDOY0.YYi Global Ionospheric Map
(2 layer model)
IONEX format (+info)
Graphical animation of
the GIM and its standard
deviation produced by
the IONO4HAS, for the X layer.
MP4 video for 86400 seconds of the day.
dcbs.dat Differential Code
Biases (DCBs) for
1- Year
2- Day of Year
3- Seconds of Day
4- GNSS system
6- SAT id.
7- Signal/Attribute 1
8- Signal/Attribute 2
10- DCB sigma (TECU)
hwd_L1.sats, hwd_L1.stas
hwd_LW.sats, hwd_LW.stas
Hardware biases for
satellites and stations in the
single-frequency (L1)
and the Widelane (LW).
1- Seconds of Day
2- Satellite Id.
3- Observations used
5- Observations used (latest estimated)
6- Value (latest estimated)
7- Epoch (latest estimated)
For L1 STAS:
1- Seconds of Day
2- Station name
3- GNSS system
4- Value
5- Ref. Station
6- Flag
iono_model.dat real-time estimates of the ionospheric model For registers with the TIME label:
3-Second since the beginning of the computation

For registers with the SAT label:
1-satellite identifier*
2-DCBs value (in TECU)
3-DCB standard deviation (in TECU).

For registers without label (Ionospheric model estimation):
1-layer number
4-instantaneous longitude
5-Vertical ELectron Content (TECU)
6-Standard Deviation (TECU)
IGP dentifier