IONO4HAS-Home Networks Tests Results Products +Info
This page contains the links to the real-time products computed on a daily basis. For accessing historical data, please browse the following link of the IONO4HAS Archive:
File formats and descriptors can be checked at the +Info section.

Satellite clock monitoring

Real-time estimates of the satellites clocks. This computation applies a filter to remove the linear trend and better characterize each clock stability. Cells in red are for non-operative satellites.

G01 clock estimate
G02 clock estimate
G03 clock estimate
G04 clock estimate
G05 clock estimate
G06 clock estimate
G07 clock estimate
G08 clock estimate
G09 clock estimate
G10 clock estimate
G11 clock estimate
G12 clock estimate
G13 clock estimate
G14 clock estimate
G15 clock estimate
G16 clock estimate
G17 clock estimate
G18 clock estimate
G19 clock estimate
G20 clock estimate
G21 clock estimate
G22 clock estimate
G23 clock estimate
G24 clock estimate
G25 clock estimate
G26 clock estimate
G27 clock estimate
G28 clock estimate
G29 clock estimate
G30 clock estimate
G31 clock estimate
G32 clock estimate
E01 clock estimate
E02 clock estimate
E03 clock estimate
E04 clock estimate
E05 clock estimate
E06 clock estimate
E07 clock estimate
E08 clock estimate
E09 clock estimate
E10 clock estimate
E11 clock estimate
E12 clock estimate
E13 clock estimate
E14 clock estimate
E15 clock estimate
E16 clock estimate
E17 clock estimate
E18 clock estimate
E19 clock estimate
E20 clock estimate
E21 clock estimate
E22 clock estimate
E23 clock estimate
E24 clock estimate
E25 clock estimate
E26 clock estimate
E27 clock estimate
E28 clock estimate
E29 clock estimate
E30 clock estimate
E31 clock estimate
E32 clock estimate
E33 clock estimate
E34 clock estimate
E35 clock estimate
E36 clock estimate

Satellite phase-biases monitoring

L1 and LW phase biases computed for each one of the satellites to allow any receiver to fix its ambiguities. Cells in red are for non-operative satellites.

G01 satellite phase-biase
G02 satellite phase-biase
G03 satellite phase-biase
G04 satellite phase-biase
G05 satellite phase-biase
G06 satellite phase-biase
G07 satellite phase-biase
G08 satellite phase-biase
G09 satellite phase-biase
G10 satellite phase-biase
G11 satellite phase-biase
G12 satellite phase-biase
G13 satellite phase-biase
G14 satellite phase-biase
G15 satellite phase-biase
G16 satellite phase-biase
G17 satellite phase-biase
G18 satellite phase-biase
G19 satellite phase-biase
G20 satellite phase-biase
G21 satellite phase-biase
G22 satellite phase-biase
G23 satellite phase-biase
G24 satellite phase-biase
G25 satellite phase-biase
G26 satellite phase-biase
G27 satellite phase-biase
G28 satellite phase-biase
G29 satellite phase-biase
G30 satellite phase-biase
G31 satellite phase-biase
G32 satellite phase-biase
E01 satellite phase-biase
E02 satellite phase-biase
E03 satellite phase-biase
E04 satellite phase-biase
E05 satellite phase-biase
E06 satellite phase-biase
E07 satellite phase-biase
E08 satellite phase-biase
E09 satellite phase-biase
E10 satellite phase-biase
E11 satellite phase-biase
E12 satellite phase-biase
E13 satellite phase-biase
E14 satellite phase-biase
E15 satellite phase-biase
E16 satellite phase-biase
E17 satellite phase-biase
E18 satellite phase-biase
E19 satellite phase-biase
E20 satellite phase-biase
E21 satellite phase-biase
E22 satellite phase-biase
E23 satellite phase-biase
E24 satellite phase-biase
E25 satellite phase-biase
E26 satellite phase-biase
E27 satellite phase-biase
E28 satellite phase-biase
E29 satellite phase-biase
E30 satellite phase-biase
E31 satellite phase-biase
E32 satellite phase-biase
E33 satellite phase-biase
E34 satellite phase-biase
E35 satellite phase-biase
E36 satellite phase-biase

Station clock and troposphere monitoring

The real-time estimates of the stations clocks applies a filter to remove the linear model to better characterize each clock stability. Real-time estimates of Zenital Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) for each station are computed according (see "5.4.2 Tropospheric Delay")

Scroll down and select a station name to depict:

The AATR and MSTID indexes: monitoring local and regional the ionosphere

The implementation of the Along Arc TEC Ratio (AATR) and Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID) detector indexes is intended to serve as complementary tools to dynamically adapt the process noise variables implemented in the IONO4HAS model to the actual ionospheric activity. The daily-cumulative plots five stations are chosen randomly (in accordance with high, medium, low and ewuatorial latitudes) from the whole set of IONO4HAS working stations.

Worldwide plots represents areas in which is possible ot obtain the indexes, using the whole network of IONO4HAS working stations. The green-yellow-red colour code is used to denote a weak, medium or strong ionosphere activity. The 24-hour image animation of the two-layers ionospheric modelling is presented next for yesterday computed data.

Real-time ionospheric plots

Provided corrections and modelling of the ionosphere is given using a two layer model. The following animations are made up with images every 5 minutes (300 s), representing the first and second layer values and its corresponding sigma values.

First layer real-time ionospheric Modelling

Historical plot-database: First layer ionospheric Modelling

Second layer real-time ionospheric Modelling

Second layer ionospheric Modelling: historical plot-database

Other non-related monitoring products: Solar Flare Detection

Solar Flares (SF) refer to sudden increase of electromagnetic radiation from the sun lasting from minutes to hours. The sudden increase of the energy emmitted by the sun produces an over-ionization of the earth's ionosphere that can be measured using the resulting delays on the radiomagnetic signals of a global network of GNSS dual-frequency receivers.
The following plots represent the real-time SF index during the current day, the set of stations implemented to compute the index, and the reference data to compare with: the NASA GOES X-ray measurmenent [Ref].

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

click to see next plot.

Solar Flare Detector: historical plot-database

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